
Have you ever wondered what you were truly capable of?

Are you tired of working hard and just getting by in a system designed to keep you a cog in a mundane system?

Are you paying tons of money into a system with little to no return on your investment?

Let's take a Chance On Each Other, Together!


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Why choose US?

We put you first.

We have accomplished the impossible and wish to help you realize your impossible too!

We have cultivated three paths, and two academies, with each path taking you in a direction that will open your world up to what is possible.

We are putting aside limitations and driving towards limitless concepts of opportunity with the skills to implement them using AI and our unique platform.

Today's World is Full of Magick and Potential, Lets Tap into It Together!
  • Tailored Training that is Cost-Effective
  • Smart Planning and Execution Around Change


Our pathways are built around core concepts and practical tools leveraging AI

Design Training

We start with an Award Winning Training Program that has lead many Corporations and Small Businesses to Success and Opportunities not apparent at first.

Prototype Training

We seek to understand your background and training and where you wish to go.

Then send you down one of our Pathways;

Do you wish to seek Awareness, do you seek Financial Gain or do you wish to Adventure?

Collaboration Training

We get personal and execute a Trusted Advisor Training Program that teaches you how to create trust and rapport among peers and drive you towards an outcome.

Engineering Academy

With 10 years of Direct Experience in Corporate America, engineering solutions for Large Financial Institutions such as
Bank of America and Wells Fargo, from Chase to BB&T. Implementing strategies for Ebay, US Ariways, IBM, and QVC. Working with the IRS, federal and state agencies and more. We have been part of solving complex engineering issues within Fortune 500 companies, down to Sole Props and LLC's.

We know what it takes to isolate ideas, create plans and execute with precision and I want to help you understand what it means to be a part of corporate America and how you TOO can benefit from it. 

Astro Academy

With over 20 years of objective experience exploring and seeking to understand the infinite world of Astrophysics,
The Astral Realm, Geometry, or what the true purpose of the "Neutron" is and where real Magick happens, we cultivated a program that helps bring this ethereal world into the
Physical and then we make it Tangible and Quantitative.   

Our Pathways

We seek to start a creative endeavor and explore the idea of integrating engineering, imagination and entrepreneurship into three paths fora member to explore and grow through.

Drone Academy ( Future Project)

We are working on a Stunning Concept to help create a path to the future of Air Travel with the FAA. This path will help you not only obtain FAA certifications, but also, build and fly drones and even help program the future of flight travel.

Our courses

We offer a large selection of Training Courses but they all focus on two core aspects; Creativity and Opportunity
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Develop your professional skills

Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional

50% off if you sign up for our courses today.

Use the promo code on the right when you register, to get advantage of this offer before it ends!
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Contact us

We are happy to answer your questions.

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Phoenix Arizona

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+1 623-688-6158

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